Roomba Does Not Clean Whole House – Easy Fixes

Roomba is a smart, robotic vacuum cleaner that can clean your floors and carpets. The device uses sensors to detect objects and dirt and then moves around your house and cleans the floor.

Roomba Does Not Clean Whole House

This article explains the common problem of why Roomba does not clean all rooms and how to fix it.

How to Fix Roomba Not Cleaning All Rooms?:

Here are a few things that you can do to help your Roomba get into all the nooks and crannies of all the rooms in your home.

Make Sure The Batteries Are Charged:

Make sure that the battery on your Roomba robot is fully charged before running it.

The Roomba needs a minimum of 2 hours of charge time to ensure that it has enough juice in it to clean multiple rooms.

roomba charging in home base

To charge your Roomba, simply make sure it is placed on its ‘Home Base’ properly and that the light comes on to indicate that it is charging.

Your robot vacuum is designed to do this automatically once it has finished cleaning, however, sometimes it may not connect to the Home Base correctly so be sure to check that it has successfully docked.

The Home Base:

Make sure that the docking station is firmly attached to the wall in one of your rooms. The docking station should also be plugged into an electrical outlet. The home base should be placed at the entrance to your home. This way, when the robot returns to its base, it can get recharged.

Dark & Patterned Floors:

When it comes to dark or patterned surfaces, the robot’s sensors tend to struggle a bit. The robot is not designed for these surfaces.

A lot of the time, if you have a darker floor, the Roomba will get confused and not clean properly or lose its path around your home.

Use The “Clean All” Feature:

If you are having issues with your Roomba robot vacuum, you should try setting it to “clean all”.

This will ensure that the Roomba vacuum will clean up the entire area of your floor.

For example, if your Roomba is unable to clean all the areas of your room, it may just keep going back and forth in one spot.

Turn On Edge Cleaning:

If your Roomba seems like it isn’t cleaning, you should try turning on the “edge clean” feature. Edge Clean will ensure that your Roomba cleans the edges of the room.

edge cleaning roomba

Edge Cleaning is an important feature for the Roomba because it helps it to know where the boundaries of the room are.

If the Roomba doesn’t know where the edges of the room are, it will have trouble cleaning the entire room.

Edge cleaning can be turned on in the iRobot app.

Make Sure The iRobot Home App Is Up To Date:

The iRobot Home app is the main app you should use for controlling your Roomba.

irobot app with roomba

The app will provide you with information about the Roomba and will allow you to control it. To get your Roomba cleaning at its best, you should update the app.

By updating, you can be sure that all the features are fully operational and that any known software bugs have been fixed.

Home Layout Remapping:

If you are using the iRobot Home app, you should make sure that you remap your home layout. If you don’t, you may not be able to control the Roomba correctly. 

You can do this by opening the app and navigating to the main menu. From there, scroll down to the “iRobot Home Setup” menu item and follow the instructions.

A Well Lit Home:

It is important to ensure adequate lighting in all areas of your home.

If you don’t, your Roomba won’t be able to use its camera to detect obstacles or may even get a little confused in regards to following its mapping.

Disable The Virtual Wall:

The Virtual Wall feature is used to stop your Roomba from going into places that you don’t want it to go such as a different room or an area that you don’t want cleaning.

Roomba Virtual Wall

If your Roomba is not cleaning your whole house, turn off the Virtual Wall so that it will have unrestricted access to all rooms.

Lighthouse Mode:

One handy little thing you can buy for your Roomba is a ‘Lighthouse’.

If you place the lighthouse tower in a doorway and turn on ‘Lighthouse Mode’, the Roomba will be confined to one room until the room is fully cleaned.

Once the Roomba has finished cleaning that room, the tower will signal it to move onto another room.

If you have a room that your Roomba just loves to ignore, setting up a lighthouse will help solve this cleaning problem.

Empty The Dustbin:

Another reason why your Roomba may not be cleaning all rooms is a full dustbin.

Roomba dustbin

You need to empty your Roomba’s dustbin regularly, ideally every time you run it. This prevents the Roomba from becoming clogged with dust and other debris which would cause it to stop working properly.

Clean Sensors:

The Roomba’s sensors can also get dirty and become clogged. This causes the Roomba to lose its ability to navigate around your house.

bottom of a roomba

You should clean the Roomba vacuum sensors regularly. This will prevent your Roomba from losing its navigation abilities.

You can do this by using a dry cloth and dusting the Roombas sensors with it. The sensors are located on the bottom of the robot. 


Are there any obstructions on the floor that is preventing your Roomba from going room-to-room? Make sure you move them out of the way.

roomba with table

If you find something like a box or a chair, make sure you clear them out of the way. The Roombas robot vacuum will not be able to complete its cleaning if it cannot navigate around these obstacles.

Conclusion To Why Your Roomba Does Not Clean Whole House

In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why your Roomba does not clean the whole house, and just like many other smart devices, there are ways to fix it.

Hopefully, the methods I listed above will help you keep your home tidy and clean for years to come.

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