Roomba Not Picking Up Hair? Here’s What To Do

We’ve all seen those commercials for the Roomba, the vacuum cleaner that vacuums your home for you.

It seems like a great idea, right?

Roomba picking up hair off the floor

If you can get your hands on one, you too can keep your house clean without lifting a finger.

But sometimes they will struggle when trying to clean the house, especially when it comes to picking up long hairs off the floor.

Is your Roomba not picking up hair? then there are a few things that you can do to help it along. 

Do Roomba Vacuums Pick Up Human Hair?

Yes, but not as much as a standard vacuum cleaner. A Roomba picks up hair and other debris from the surface that it is cleaning, including human or pet hair.

Is your Roomba not picking up hair? – Here’s how to fix it

If you are having this problem, there are a few methods to get your Roomba to pick up hair again.

Too Much Debris In The Brushes

If you notice your Roomba not picking up hair, check for debris in the brushes.

It may be blocked by debris, making the brushes unable to work properly.

You will need to manually clean the brushes by removing the brush cover and cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner or toothbrush.

Once this is done, re-attach the brush cover and continue with the cleaning process.

Your House Has Too Much Hair For Your Roomba To Handle

If you have multiple pets that shed a lot, your floors may have too much hair on them for the Roomba to handle.

A Roomba half on a carpet

It’s very easy for a Roomba to get caught up in a tangle of pet hair. We’ve found that the best way to combat the problem is to brush your floors thoroughly before vacuuming.

If you do need to brush the floor, make sure you use a stiff brush to pick up the bulk of the hair. The bristles should be stiff enough to hold the hair. You may also want to use a vacuum cleaner to pull some of the hair out.

I know this may seem like too much work (Because robot vacuums are supposed to be a hands-free way to clean your home), but it only takes a few minutes, maybe once per week, to help your Roomba do its job perfectly. 

The Filter Is Clogged

If your robot vacuum is not picking up hair, dust, or debris, then chances are that there is something blocking the filter. This can happen if the filter gets clogged from an accumulation of dust, dirt, or debris.

To fix this issue, make sure you remove any excess debris from around the filter. 

Then use a toothbrush to dislodge any leftover debris, which will allow the suction to continue on the rest of the floor.

Also, make sure you clean the filter regularly.

You can use a vacuum cleaner attachment to clean the filter or you can simply turn off the Roomba and run a hand vacuum over the filter.

Depending on how dirty your home is, we recommend checking the filter about once per week. If you find it is starting to get clogged, then you will want to clean it. 

The Roomba’s Dustbin Is Full

If your dustbin is full, the Roomba will not be able to pick up hair and debris in your home.

The easiest way to empty your bin is to turn the Roomba off, unplug the Roomba, and then empty the contents of the bin.

Once you have emptied the dustbin, place it back into the Roomba and try cleaning again.


So that’s all there is to it! We hope this guide has helped you figure out why your Roomba may not be picking up the hair around your house.

If you still have problems after taking our advice, then we suggest that you contact Roomba customer support to see if they can repair or replace the device.

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