Roomba Error Codes: A Comprehensive Guide

Robot vacuums are quickly becoming a popular household item, with Roomba leading the way. But what do you do when your robot vacuum begins to malfunction? Understanding Roomba’s error codes can help you diagnose and fix problems quickly.

Roomba Error Codes

This article will provide an in-depth look at common Roomba error codes, explain how they work, and offer solutions for each one. With this guide, you’ll have all the information needed to troubleshoot any issues that arise with your beloved robotic pal!

From charging errors to sensor malfunctions, we’ll cover everything from basic maintenance tips to more advanced fixes. After reading this article, you’ll be well on your way toward turning your broken Roomba back into a helpful cleaning companion. Let’s dive right in!

Roomba Error Codes Explained

Here is a list of the most common Roomba error codes and what they mean:

Error 2

This error indicates that Roomba’s cliff sensors are dirty or malfunctioning, preventing it from detecting drops or stairs. Clean the sensors or check for any debris blocking them.

Error 5

This error is related to Roomba’s bumper sensor, which is responsible for detecting obstacles. A dirty or malfunctioning bumper sensor can cause this error, so clean the sensor or check for any damage.

Error 8

This error is related to Roomba’s wheel drop sensor, which is responsible for detecting when a wheel is stuck or not functioning properly. Clean or check the sensor or the wheel for any debris or damage.

Error 11

This error is related to Roomba’s power supply, and can indicate a problem with the battery or charging contacts. Check the battery and charging contacts for any damage or debris.

Error 12

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging base or power supply. Check the charging base and power supply for any damage or debris.

Error 14

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 15

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 16

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 17

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 18

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 19

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 20

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 21

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 27

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 28

This error is related to Roomba’s charging system and can indicate a problem with the charging contacts or the battery. Check the charging contacts and battery for any damage or debris.

Error 32

This error indicates that Roomba’s brush motor is not functioning properly. Clean or check the brush and motor for any debris or damage.

Error 34

This error indicates that Roomba’s side brush motor is not functioning properly. Clean or check the side brush and motor for any debris or damage.

Error 35

This error indicates that Roomba’s vacuum motor is not functioning properly. Clean or check the vacuum and motor for any debris or damage.

Error 40

This error indicates that Roomba’s main board is malfunctioning. Contact Roomba’s customer service for assistance.

Error 41

This error indicates that Roomba’s main board is malfunctioning. Contact Roomba’s customer service for assistance.

Error 42

This error indicates that Roomba’s main board is malfunctioning. Contact Roomba’s customer service for assistance.

It is important to note that these are just some of the most common Roomba error codes and that there may be others that are specific to certain models or software versions. If you encounter an error code that is not listed above or are unsure of how to troubleshoot a specific error, it is best to consult Roomba’s user manual or contact their customer service for assistance.

Troubleshooting Roomba Error Codes

Troubleshooting Roomba error codes can be a difficult task, but the good news is that it isn’t impossible. In many cases, the best place to start is by understanding what each code means and how to address it. That way, you’ll have a better idea of which steps you should take next in order to get your robot running again.

Troubleshooting Roomba Error Codes

First, make sure you understand what each code indicates. For instance, if you’re getting an error 500-509 code, this typically relates to problems with communication or connectivity between the robot and its base station. This could mean there’s an obstruction preventing connection or that something else needs to be adjusted before reconnection is possible. It might also indicate a need for firmware updates or changes in settings such as passwords or Wi-Fi networks being used.

Once you’ve identified the reason behind the error code and determined what needs fixing, then comes the actual troubleshooting process itself. Depending on what type of issue you’re dealing with, this may involve resetting connections, changing settings, replacing batteries or other components, downloading updated software versions – whatever is required for resolving the problem at hand. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and double-check everything before restarting your device so as not to cause further disruption down the line.

No matter how daunting it may seem at first glance when tackling any kind of technical issue like this one involving Roomba error codes, remember that help and guidance are available online from both official sources as well as user communities who have already been through similar experiences themselves!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Difference Between Error Codes And Troubleshooting Codes?

Error codes and troubleshooting codes are two related yet distinct concepts. Error codes refer to special numerical values that indicate when a problem has occurred with a device, system, or program. On the other hand, troubleshooting codes provide instructions on how to resolve those problems by pointing users in the right direction for further investigation.

These two types of codes can be used together in order to identify and repair any issues quickly and efficiently. For example, an error code may alert a user that something is wrong while a troubleshooting code could show them what steps they need to take in order to fix it. By combining both elements, technicians can more easily diagnose and address technical difficulties.

Troubleshooting also encompasses strategies such as trial-and-error testing, the process of elimination diagnostics, online resources, vendor support forums, etc., which help narrow down potential causes and solutions for complex glitches. As such, these tools should not be considered replacements for error codes; rather they should supplement existing processes and provide additional assistance when needed.

How Can I Reset My Roomba If I Get An Error Code?

If you have received an error code on your Roomba, there are a few steps you can take to reset it. First of all, try turning the robot off and then back on again. You should also make sure that any accessories or peripherals connected to your Roomba are working properly. If those two actions don’t work, then you’ll probably need to perform a factory reset.

white roomba turned off

To do this, locate the ‘Reset’ button located somewhere near your Roomba’s power switch – usually under the dustbin cover. Hold down the Reset button for several seconds until you hear a beep sound confirming that the robot has been restored to its default settings. Once done, restart your Roomba and check if it works as expected.

If these methods still don’t solve the problem with your Roomba, it may be time to contact customer support for further assistance. They will likely ask for more detailed information about how exactly the error occurred so they can help troubleshoot whatever issue is causing it. With their expertise and guidance, you should be able to get your beloved vacuum cleaner up and running in no time!

How Do I Know Which Error Code My Roomba Is Displaying?

When using a Roomba to clean your home, it’s important to know how to handle any errors that may occur. Understanding the error codes can be tricky, so let’s go over how you can identify which code is being displayed by your Roomba.

The first step in understanding an error code on your Roomba is to look at the LCD screen on top of the device. This will typically display one or two-digit numbers along with a description of the error that has occurred. These codes help pinpoint exactly what needs attention and should provide guidance as to how best to resolve the issue. Additionally, there are several resources available online that outline all possible Roomba error codes, allowing you to easily cross-reference and find solutions for specific errors.

If you’re still having trouble identifying which exact error code your Roomba is displaying, then it’s best to contact customer service directly for assistance. They’ll likely ask questions such as when did this problem start? And have you tried resetting it already? Answering these types of questions will enable them to quickly detect the source of the issue and provide the next steps for resolution.

No matter what type of Roomba error code you’re facing, there’s always someone who can help get things back up and running properly again. It’s just a matter of taking time to understand which type of code has been generated and seeking out support from experts in order to address it correctly.

What Should I Do If I Get An Error Code That Isn’t Listed?

If you’ve got an error code from your Roomba that isn’t listed, it can be confusing to know what to do. First and foremost, make sure the model of your Roomba is up-to-date with any software updates. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then consider resetting or restarting your robot vacuum. This will often clear out any technical issues that may have caused the unusual error code.

In addition to these two steps, if the problem persists there are a few other options available. You could reach out to customer service for support as they might be able to help identify the exact nature of the error code and provide further advice on how best to proceed. Alternatively, you can search online forums for similar cases which may contain helpful solutions from experienced users who have encountered similar problems in the past.

No matter what route you decide to take when troubleshooting an unknown Roomba error code, it’s important to keep track of all changes made so that if necessary you can easily revert back at any point during the process.

Is There A Way To Prevent Roomba Error Codes?

Preventing Roomba error codes is possible, but it requires proactive maintenance and upkeep. The first step to avoiding errors is to make sure your device has the most up-to-date software installed. This ensures that any newly released bug fixes are applied, preventing potential glitches or faulty code from interfering with the robot’s operations. Additionally, regular cleaning of dust and debris buildup can help ensure optimal performance. Vacuuming out dirt and dander on a weekly basis will help keep your robot running smoothly over time.

It’s also important to check for any signs of damage prior to use; this could include loose screws or frayed wires, as well as visible wear in brushes or wheels. If you notice any issues like these, repairing them immediately will go a long way toward ensuring the longevity of your machine. Lastly, be mindful of how often you’re using your Roomba; taking breaks between uses gives the battery time to recharge which helps decrease stress on internal components and potentially reduce instances of malfunction.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to keep your Roomba working optimally without having to worry about pesky error codes popping up too frequently!


In conclusion, Roomba error codes can be confusing and frustrating to deal with. However, understanding the difference between an error code and a troubleshooting code is key to being able to properly diagnose and fix any issues you may have with your Roomba. Resetting your Roomba when it gets an error code is often the best way to get things back up and running again quickly. If you are unsure of which error code your Roomba is displaying or if you get one that isn’t listed, then consulting a professional for help is usually recommended. Lastly, there are some steps you can take to prevent future errors from occurring such as regularly cleaning the sensors on your device and avoiding using too many accessories at once. By taking these precautions you should be able to keep your Roomba working without issue for years to come.

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